Shades of Havana and Affirm
Convenient, Safe, Simple
Shades of Havana has partnered with Affirm to offer transparent, quick financing to our customers, with no hidden fees or costs. You will never owe more than what you agree upfront. The total at checkout will always be what you actually pay. With Affirm, you split the price of your purchase into fixed monthly payment amounts that fit your budget.
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Add to CartOnce you've selected the products you would like to order, simply add them to your shopping cart
Quick Application with Affirm
Choose Affirm as your payment option, provide your shipping details & enter your personal information. Affirm will provide a real-time loan decision.
Select your preferred payment terms and confirm your loan.
Checkout and ShippingConfirm your order details and you are all set; your order has been placed! After checkout is complete we will process and ship your products right to your door. |
Easily Pay Over TimeWith Affirm you can get your order right away and split your purchase into multiple payments to pay back over time. Choose the payment schedule that works best for you - 3, 6 or 12 month financing with rates from 0% APR or 10-36% APR. When you finance with Affirm you see the approved loan amount, interest rate, total interest you will pay, and the number of months that you have to pay off your loan all before signing up. |